'Shocking' metallic sludge contaminating Sydney dams
New information about the quality of Sydney’s drinking water, obtained under freedom of information by the ABC, has shown serious contamination and failure to meet water quality testing up to 90 times in the last three years.
Coal mining in the Sydney Water catchment area has produced a black, oozy metallic sediment which has been releasing iron, aluminium, manganese, lithium, strontium, barium, titanium and very likely zinc, nickel and other contaminants into the drinking water.
Sydney Water’s filtration and treatment plant only filters out debris and sediment, then a host of chemicals are added to disinfect, pH balance, clarify and flocculate the water supply. No contaminants such as dissolved salts and heavy metals are removed.
The link to the ABC news report above shows that coal mining in the Sydney Water catchment area is proving to be detrimental to water quality. Surely we must secure our drinking water quality!!
To be certain of water quality, our reverse osmosis purifiers will purifier your water by removing up to 99% of all contaminants coming through to your tap.