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Filter Selection Guide

Triple Filter
Reverse Osmosis
Rust, Slime, Algae
Cloudiness, Sediment, Dirt
Chemicals (VOCs)
Chlorine, Ammonia
Bad Tastes, Odours
Petrol, Distillate, Kerosene
Pesticides, Herbicides
Organic Solvents
Hardness, scale
Heavy Metals incl : Aluminium
Cysts incl : Cryptosporidium
Blue-Green Algae Toxin

*Note :- Heavy Metal reduction is for a very short period only, often only a couple of hundred litres (this is an industry standard for premium carbon block cartridges & those with a small resin core). For effective long term, year round Heavy Metal reduction our Reverse Osmosis purifier filters down to a molecular level at 0.0005 microns (1,000 times finer than most water filters), well below the size of all Heavy Metals thus ensuring excellent long term reduction.

**Chloroform, a Trihalomethane – is a Carcinogen (a substance capable of causing Cancer) formed in water when Chlorine, added as a disinfectant, reacts with natural organic matter from decayed vegetation. Both our Triple undersink water filter & Reverse Osmosis purifier effectively remove Chloroform.

*Fluoride Reverse Osmosis is the safest, most efficient method of removing Fluoride. We do not sell or use cartridges to remove Fluoride as they use Aluminium to chemically bind the Fluoride ions in the water. These cartridges can be called a variety of names but all use Aluminium - Alumina Oxide, Corundum, Fluoride Ion Exchange Resin or Proprietary Fluoride Reduction Media.  

Aluminium Oxide or Activated Alumina cartridges - we strongly recommend that you do not use Aluminium to remove Fluoride as Aluminium has been directly linked to Alzheimer’s disease. We do not sell or use any fluoride cartridges These cartridges come under various names- Alumina Oxide, Corundum, Ion Exchange Resin and Proprietary Fluoride Reduction Media. 

Fluoride Ion Exchange Resin - resin cartridge with negatively charged ions on the resin surface that exchange with negatively charged ions in the water. Removes Fluoride using Aluminium ions until the capacity of the resin has exhausted. As Fluoride is tasteless, there is no indication that the resin has exhausted and stopped working. Many ion exchange systems have only a token amount of resin in them & work for only a very short time, often under 100 litres or a just a couple of weeks! 

Reverse osmosis membranes removes ALL contaminents including Fluoride by simply filtering down below the size of them  -  very safe, effective and long term. It does not leave any harmful cross contamination like Aluminium nor exhausts and stops working like Ion Exchange Resin. You can easily test if the Reverse Osmosis membrace is still working by doing a TDS test (total dissolved solids) on your water sample & as the membrane fails after many years it can be easily replaced. Reverse Omsosis is the safest and most thorough method of removing ALL contaminents from your drinking water - very similar to rain water where there is no air pollution.