Water Quality

Centennial Coal plan to release more water into Sydney catchment will make pollution worse
Dr Ian Wright says the discharge point is the worst source of waste in the Warragamba drinking catchment he has ever seen.( ABC News: Lani Oataway ) A water scientist is warning a Lithgow coal min...
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'Shocking' metallic sludge contaminating Sydney dams
New information about the quality of Sydney’s drinking water, obtained under freedom of information by the ABC, has shown serious contamination and failure to meet water quality testing up to 90 ...
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People eat a 'credit card' size worth of plastic each week
The average person could be ingesting 2000 tiny pieces of plastic every week - the equivalent of a credit card - with drinking water the largest source. The No Plastic in Nature report from the Uni...
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Remove Microplastics & Nanoplastics from your Drinking Water
Microplastic Contamination in Tap Water Microplastics and Nanoplastics are microscopic plastic particles that are ending up in the environment across the planet, in particular sea water and fresh, ...
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Kombucha – making you own is easier than you think!
Kombuca is an ancient beverage with a history going back over 2,000 years. It is made by fermenting black or green tea, sugar and boiling filtered water with a Symbiotic Culture of Friendly Bacteri...
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How much water should you drink every day?
Your body is approximately 2/3 water by weight, and while we can survive weeks without food, without water your bodies major organs will start to shut down within days. Water is essential to most b...
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Fluoride - A Developmental Neurotoxin
One of the many reasons for removing Fluoride from your drinking water is the addition of Fluoride to the list of neurotoxins that can affect the developing brain. It is one of the industrial c...
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BLUE GREEN ALGAE - WHAT ARE THEY? Despite their name, blue-green algae are not algae at all. They are photosynthetic bacteria, also called ‘cyanobacteria’, that rely on sunlight for energy. Blue-gr...
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Cancer alert over Chlorinated Drinking Water
Our Chlorinated drinking water contains the potentially carcinogenic compounds, Trihalomethanes (THMs). THMs are a by-product formed when Chlorine reacts with organic matter in the water. As all wa...
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No CSG Drilling For Sydney Water Catchment
The following article reflects a deep concern about preserving our drinking water quality. With population pressures and a growing requirement for energy we will have to find a way to co-exist, how...
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